Blended families are more common today. In most blended family situations, each spouse usually has children from prior relationships and each partner wants to make sure in any unforeseen circumstances, their children and their spouse are treated fairly.
Typically, a spouse leaves everything to each other, but when the surviving spouse dies, the remainder is divided amongst the children. Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee the surviving spouse will not remarry and inadvertently disinherit the deceased’s children.
Consider the following estate planning issues for blended families:
- Home
- Registered Retirement Savings Plan
- Non-Registered Investments and Other Assets
- Trustee
- Life Insurance
We sit down with you to provide you with tailored solutions to help you ensure your wishes are carried out. It’s important to have a full discussion to avoid any misunderstandings and reduce uncertainty. If you require help in this area, please don’t hesitate to contact us.